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Media & Entertainment
June 14, 2024

Chinese #MeToo Journalist Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

‍A prominent Chinese journalist and #MeToo advocate has been sentenced to five years in prison. This case underscores the ongoing challenges for women's rights and freedom of speech in China. The journalist's conviction is seen as a significant setback for the #MeToo movement in the country, raising concerns among activists and international observers about the state of human rights and the suppression of dissent in China.

Sophia Huang Xueqin, 36, was arrested in 2021 while on her way to the UK to study

Boston Brand Media brings you the latest news - A prominent female #MeToo activist in China has been sentenced to five years in prison for "subversion against the state."

Sophia Huang Xueqin was convicted and sentenced on Friday, nearly 10 months after her trial began.

Labour activist Wang Jianbing, who stood trial alongside Ms. Huang, received a sentence of three years and six months in prison.

Ms. Huang, 36, was a leading voice in China's #MeToo movement, reporting groundbreaking stories about sexual abuse victims. She also spoke out against the misogyny and sexism she experienced in Chinese newsrooms. Chinese authorities have not specified how the two were accused of subversion, and their trial was held behind closed doors.

Supporters claim they were detained for hosting regular meetings and forums where young people discussed social issues.

Ms. Huang was detained at Guangzhou airport in 2021 while on her way to a UK-government sponsored master's program at the University of Sussex.

Mr. Wang, 40, was with her at the time. Supporters state that both endured months of solitary confinement during their nearly 1,000-day pre-detention custody, with their trial only beginning in September 2023. A 2022 BBC Eye investigation revealed that both were being held in solitary confinement in secret locations known as 'black jails.'

In 2021, amid Covid lockdowns and rising public anger, Chinese authorities cracked down on several activists across various fields. "Their dedication to labour, women's rights, and civil society won't be negated by this unjust trial, nor will society forget their contributions," said the campaign group Free Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing. "Oppression and injustice will only inspire more activists like them," they added.

Boston Brand Media also found that, Amnesty International condemned the convictions as "malicious and totally groundless," according to China Director Sarah Brooks.

"[The convictions] show just how terrified the Chinese government is of activists who dare to speak out to protect others' rights," said Brooks.

"#MeToo activism has empowered survivors globally, but the Chinese authorities are trying to stamp it out."

It remains unclear if the time already served by the pair will reduce their sentences.

Public reaction to Ms. Huang's trial has been mixed, with some decrying the case while others critical of the feminist movement welcomed it.

Many gender rights and social cause advocates in China choose to remain anonymous online.

State media and nationalists on the internet often accuse them of being "agents of hostile western forces."

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Source: BBC

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