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September 2, 2024

Dr Pepper surpasses Pepsi. Is Coca-Cola the next target?

Dr Pepper has now surpassed Pepsi in market performance, raising questions about whether Coca-Cola could be the next major competitor to face a challenge. This shift highlights Dr Pepper's growing influence in the beverage industry and prompts speculation about future market dynamics. Will Dr Pepper continue to gain ground, or will Coca-Cola remain a stronghold in the competitive landscape?

Dr Pepper has surpassed Pepsi in market share within the US. With exclusive research on ad effectiveness, Andrew Tindall suggests that Coca-Cola should now be concerned about potential negative outcomes.

At System1, we often see a lot of marketing data, but only a fraction is truly insightful or captivating. Although I’m rarely able to share this data, today I’m excited to present a remarkable modern marketing case study featuring a team that has diligently worked behind the scenes for years.

Let's delve into how Dr Pepper has surpassed Pepsi in the US.

The cola rivalry has been fierce, not just for historical figures like Pablo Escobar but also for PepsiCo and Coca-Cola. Since Coca-Cola’s inception in the 1880s and Pepsi’s arrival shortly thereafter, these beverage giants have battled for dominance in major cities worldwide.

In 1995, Coca-Cola held 22% of the US soft drink market, with Pepsi at 15% and Dr Pepper a distant 5%. Fast forward 30 years, and Dr Pepper has now overtaken Pepsi to become the second-largest soda brand in the US, according to data from Beverage Digest.

Dr Pepper, which launched in 1885, chose not to compete directly with the cola giants but instead carved out its niche as a pepper soda, a decision legally supported by the FDA. This strategic positioning was a masterstroke in brand differentiation, which has paid off significantly.

The brand’s consistent emphasis on being "Different," "Pepper," and "High Flavor" has set it apart. This strategy has been pivotal, and Dr Pepper's commitment to its distinct positioning has created what we now call a “distinctive brand.”

In the realm of modern digital marketing, Dr Pepper’s consistent and strategic approach has allowed it to stand out. The brand has embraced trends and platforms like TikTok, where fans have popularized unique flavors like Pickle Dr Pepper, showcasing its adaptability and strong positioning.

Dr Pepper’s success isn’t solely due to digital trends. The brand has maintained a significant presence on traditional media, particularly TV. Data shows that Dr Pepper has been investing heavily in TV advertising, gaining a substantial share of voice (SOV) relative to its market share (SOM). This overspending on SOV, known as excess share of voice (ESOV), is linked to brand growth.

Dr Pepper’s ads are consistently effective, with a higher average star rating compared to the category. This creative effectiveness is crucial, combining both long-term and short-term goals to enhance brand presence and consumer engagement.

The brand’s ability to remain relevant and modern is also a testament to its strategic management. By responding to consumer trends and integrating them into its product lineup, Dr Pepper continues to resonate with audiences, particularly younger demographics.

In conclusion, Dr Pepper's well-executed strategy and marketing efforts have positioned it strongly to challenge Coca-Cola. The ongoing soda rivalry is shifting, and Dr Pepper's consistent innovation and effective advertising suggest it is well-poised to close the gap with Coca-Cola in the US market.

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Source: thedrum

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