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Fashion & Lifestyle
May 9, 2024

Embrace your strengths and boost body confidence with advice from therapists: 20 alternatives to relying on mirrors.

Are you seeking to appreciate your appearance but find yourself constantly comparing to others? Numerous methods can help conquer this habit, ranging from life drawing sessions to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to taking breaks from social media.

Now more than ever, we're inundated with images of idealized bodies, leading to inevitable comparisons. Therapists offer guidance on cultivating self-love amidst this culture. They stress recognizing the importance of body acceptance and understanding the impact of social media on self-esteem. Strategies include conscious curation of online content and seeking therapy for a deeper understanding of body image issues. Additionally, diversifying social media feeds and reframing beauty ideals over time can aid in fostering a healthier relationship with one's body. Mindful body scanning and drawing exercises are suggested to cultivate appreciation and compassion towards oneself.

Kevin Braddock, therapist and fitness instructor at The Soma Space, encourages individuals to explore their physical capabilities. Engaging in activities like Boxercise and weightlifting can reveal hidden strengths, fostering body confidence. Braddock advocates for a shift away from gym culture's focus on appearance towards embracing movement for its mood-boosting benefits.

Phillippa Diedrichs suggests reframing mirror usage by focusing on positive attributes, both physical and personal. This exercise involves acknowledging qualities beyond appearance, fostering a more positive self-perception over time.

Braddock advocates for environments without mirrors to encourage self-reflection beyond physical appearance, promoting internal awareness and acceptance.

Diedrichs encourages appreciation for the body's changes over time, emphasizing gratitude for its resilience and functionality amidst life's experiences.

Tasha Bailey urges individuals considering cosmetic procedures to assess their motivations and potential outcomes critically, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making and self-reflection.

Bailey recommends activities that bring joy and pride, focusing on enjoyment rather than changing one's physique. Surrounding oneself with diverse bodies fosters a sense of inclusivity and celebration.

Bailey advises against adopting rigid dieting practices and encourages self-compassion and flexibility. Reflecting on goals and forgiving setbacks promotes a healthier relationship with food and body image.

Diedrichs suggests confronting fears around body exposure by engaging in summer activities. Grounding oneself in sensory experiences fosters mindfulness and reduces self-consciousness.

Braddock warns against excessive exercise and food restriction, especially for individuals with anxiety or depression. Awareness of physical and mental well-being indicators helps prevent harmful behaviors and promotes self-care.

Source: The Guardian

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