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July 8, 2024

Gen Z and Millennials Cautiously Optimistic About Economy, Finances

Gen Z and Millennials are showing cautious optimism regarding the economy and their personal finances. While they are hopeful about economic improvements and financial stability, a sense of uncertainty persists. This cautious outlook reflects their mixed feelings about the current economic climate and their future financial prospects, balancing hope with awareness of potential challenges.

Boston Brand Media brings you the interesting information - Just under a third of Gen Zs and millennials believe the economic situation in their countries will improve over the next year, showing the highest level of optimism since our 2020 study conducted just before the COVID-19 pandemic. This positive outlook extends to their personal financial situations, despite ongoing financial insecurity among these generations.

Three in ten respondents say they do not feel financially secure, and about six in ten live paycheck to paycheck. The cost of living remains their top concern, significantly outweighing other issues such as climate change, unemployment, mental health, and crime/personal safety.

There is some uncertainty regarding the social and political outlook, with only about a quarter of respondents believing it will improve in their country over the next year.

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Source: Deloitte

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