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July 25, 2024

Gen Z Self-Care on a Budget Post 'Maandamanos'

Post-'maandamanos,' Gen Z can maintain their well-being on a budget by embracing nature, mindfulness, and meditation, DIY skincare, exercise, and creative expression. Social connections, reading, journaling, cooking, and good sleep hygiene are also key. Volunteering and continuous learning offer additional support. These affordable strategies align with Gen Z’s values of sustainability, creativity, and community, fostering resilience and positivity amid social and economic challenges.

In the wake of recent 'maandamanos' or protests, the younger generation, particularly Gen Z, has found themselves navigating a landscape marked by social upheaval and economic uncertainty. Self-care, which has become a crucial aspect of mental and physical well-being, is often perceived as a luxury. However, for Gen Z, who are known for their resourcefulness and creativity, self-care on a budget is not only possible but also effective. This article explores practical and affordable self-care strategies that Gen Z can adopt post-maandamanos to maintain their well-being.

Understanding Gen Z and Self-Care

Gen Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is a generation that has grown up amidst rapid technological advancements, climate change, and significant socio-political movements. These factors have shaped their unique perspective on self-care, which goes beyond traditional notions of pampering to include mental health, social justice, and sustainability.

Post-maandamanos, many Gen Z individuals are seeking ways to heal and rejuvenate without straining their finances. Here are some budget-friendly self-care practices that align with their values and lifestyle.

1. Embrace Nature

One of the most accessible and cost-effective self-care practices is spending time in nature. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike, or simply sitting under a tree, nature has a calming effect that can reduce stress and anxiety. For Gen Z, who are often glued to screens, nature offers a necessary digital detox. Local parks, community gardens, and nature reserves provide free or low-cost options to connect with the environment.

2. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for managing stress and enhancing mental clarity. Apps like Insight Timer and Headspace offer free guided meditations that can help Gen Z practice mindfulness without spending a dime. Additionally, YouTube is a treasure trove of free meditation and yoga videos. Setting aside just a few minutes each day for these practices can make a significant difference in overall well-being.

3. DIY Skincare and Beauty

Skincare doesn’t have to be expensive. DIY beauty treatments using natural ingredients can be just as effective as store-bought products. Ingredients like honey, oats, yogurt, and turmeric can be used to create masks, scrubs, and moisturizers. There are countless recipes available online that cater to various skin types and concerns. Not only are these treatments affordable, but they are also free from harmful chemicals, aligning with Gen Z’s preference for natural and sustainable products.

4. Exercise and Physical Activity

Physical activity is a cornerstone of self-care. While gym memberships can be pricey, there are numerous free or low-cost alternatives. Outdoor activities like running, cycling, and calisthenics require minimal equipment and can be done in local parks or at home. Apps like Nike Training Club and YouTube channels like Fitness Blender offer free workout routines that cater to different fitness levels and goals. Regular exercise not only improves physical health but also boosts mood and energy levels.

5. Creative Expression

Art and creativity are therapeutic and can serve as a form of self-care. Drawing, painting, writing, or playing music can help express emotions and reduce stress. These activities don’t require expensive materials – a simple notebook and pen, or a basic set of watercolors, can suffice. Engaging in creative hobbies provides an outlet for self-expression and can be a soothing escape from daily stressors.

6. Social Connections

Maintaining social connections is vital for emotional well-being. Post-maandamanos, it’s important to rebuild and nurture relationships with friends and family. Organizing budget-friendly gatherings, such as potlucks, movie nights, or game nights, can foster a sense of community and support. Virtual hangouts via Zoom or social media platforms can also keep connections strong without any cost.

7. Reading and Learning

Reading is a fantastic way to relax and expand one’s horizons. Public libraries offer free access to a vast collection of books, e-books, and audiobooks. Additionally, online platforms like Project Gutenberg and LibriVox provide free access to classic literature. For those interested in learning new skills, websites like Coursera and Khan Academy offer free courses on a variety of subjects. Continuous learning and intellectual engagement can be incredibly fulfilling and a great form of self-care.

8. Journaling

Journaling is a simple yet effective way to process emotions and reflect on experiences. It requires nothing more than a notebook and pen. Writing about one’s thoughts and feelings can provide clarity and relief from stress. Prompts and gratitude journals can guide those who are new to journaling and help focus on positive aspects of life.

9. Cooking and Nutrition

Eating well is a fundamental aspect of self-care. Cooking at home is more economical than dining out and allows for better control over ingredients and nutrition. Simple, healthy recipes can be found online, and cooking can be a fun and relaxing activity. Batch cooking and meal planning can also save time and money while ensuring a balanced diet.

10. Sleep Hygiene

Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health. Establishing a good sleep routine doesn’t cost anything but can greatly improve quality of life. Simple practices like maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and minimizing screen time before bed can enhance sleep quality. Apps like Sleep Cycle offer free features to track and improve sleep patterns.

11. Volunteering

Giving back to the community can be a rewarding form of self-care. Volunteering not only helps others but also fosters a sense of purpose and belonging. Many organizations offer volunteer opportunities that don’t require any financial commitment. Engaging in community service can provide a sense of accomplishment and connection.


Self-care is essential, especially in times of social and economic challenges. For Gen Z, self-care on a budget is not only feasible but also aligns with their values of sustainability, creativity, and community. By embracing nature, mindfulness, DIY beauty, exercise, creative expression, social connections, reading, journaling, cooking, sleep hygiene, and volunteering, Gen Z can maintain their well-being without breaking the bank. These practices offer a holistic approach to self-care that nurtures the mind, body, and soul, fostering resilience and positivity in the face of adversity.

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