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May 18, 2024

Global Travel and Tourism Industry Embraces Sustainability: Emergence of New ESG-Focused Roles, Reveals Report

The travel and tourism sector is undergoing a significant shift towards prioritizing sustainability and ESG initiatives in hiring practices, with airlines and airports leading the way.

Companies in the travel and tourism sector are increasingly focusing on sustainable practices, energy efficiency, waste reduction, and conservation in their recruitment strategies. This trend is evident in job listings from major corporations, which highlight roles related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives.

For example, Ryanair Holdings Plc is seeking a Sustainability Manager responsible for monitoring and reporting fuel consumption and CO2 emissions to comply with regulations like the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and devising strategies to cut carbon emissions and optimize fuel usage.

Air Canada is looking for a Manager of Sustainable Procurement to integrate ESG criteria and CSR principles into procurement processes, while United Airlines Holdings Inc. is recruiting a Director of Environmental Sustainability to implement strategies for achieving zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.

Southwest Airlines Co. is hiring a Senior Sustainable Fuels Consultant to develop and execute a sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) strategy, and WestJet Airlines Ltd. is seeking a Program Manager for Environmental Services to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

Gatwick Airport Ltd. is looking for a Sustainability Manager focused on reducing emissions, while InterContinental Hotels Group Plc is creating a Director of Engineering role to drive sustainability and decarbonization initiatives across a wide geographic region.

These job listings underscore the industry's commitment to addressing environmental challenges and embracing sustainable practices. By investing in roles dedicated to sustainability, companies are demonstrating their dedication to long-term environmental and social responsibility. These positions will play a crucial role in driving meaningful change and fostering a more sustainable future for travel and tourism.

Source: Travel and tour world

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