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May 18, 2024

Munich Airport Disrupts 60 Flights Following Climate Activists' Breach of Airfield Security

Letzte Generation revolutionized the stunt industry by popularizing the act of adhering themselves to roads and runways.


  1. Climate activists caused chaos at Munich Airport by gluing themselves to the runway, resulting in 60 flight cancellations and numerous diversions.
  2. The Last Generation group seeks to draw attention to governmental inaction regarding the environmental impact of the airline industry.
  3. German officials have criticized the group's actions, advocating for stricter penalties for trespassing at airports and disrupting travel arrangements.

This weekend, the travel plans of over 100,000 passengers were disrupted when six climate activists infiltrated Munich Airport and affixed themselves to the runway. According to federal police, this act led to the cancellation of 60 flights and the diversion of over a dozen others, prompting the airport's closure for several hours due to security concerns.

The demonstration occurred during the Whitsun holiday, a busy period for travel in Germany, and was orchestrated by the coalition group Letzte Generation (Last Generation). The climate activists stated that their objective was to draw attention to the German government's lack of action in addressing the environmental repercussions of the airline industry.

As reported by ABC News, the activists breached a security fence to access the runway and execute their stunt. Upon being detected by airport authorities, swift measures were implemented to divert aircraft and cancel flights. Subsequently, the six individuals were apprehended by officials.

Trespassers Breach Airport Grounds, Prompting Cancellation of 60 Flights at Munich Airport

This isn't the first instance of the climate activist group causing disruptions at German airports. They previously staged blockades on runways at Berlin, Dusseldorf, and Hamburg in 2022 and 2023. Last year, Lufthansa subsidiary Eurowings experienced significant delays due to these disruptions and sought reparations, suggesting that the group should pay up to €120,000 ($130,000).

Letzte Generation is recognized for their tactic of adhering themselves to the ground to obstruct traffic, a method they have employed on roads and other airports across the country.

Photo: Flughafen München GmbH

German Airports Association General Manager Ralph Beisel has advocated for tougher penalties for individuals who trespass into airports, expressing his concerns over the recent actions of the group. Additionally, numerous other German officials have utilized their social media platforms to denounce the group's activities, sparking widespread outrage over the considerable disruption caused during a significant holiday period for Germans.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, speaking on X (translated from German), stated:

"Such criminal actions threaten air traffic and harm climate protection because they only cause a lack of understanding and anger."

Faeser also commended Munich Airport and local law enforcement for their management of the situation, restoring order at the airport, allowing passengers to resume their travel schedules after a two-hour closure.

Source: Simple Flying

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