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August 29, 2024

"Poland to Get First F-35A Aircraft in December"

Poland will receive its first F-35A aircraft in December, marking a major advancement in its defense capabilities. This delivery signifies the country’s step towards modernizing its air force with advanced stealth technology. The arrival of the F-35A underscores Poland's commitment to enhancing its military strength and integrating cutting-edge aerospace technology into its defense strategy.

Source: Lockheed Martin, Poland’s first F-35A is to be delivered to the Polish air force in December and initially used within the USA to train polish pilots

The delivery of Poland’s first F-35 is also a significant milestone for Lockheed, which has just resumed delivering new F-35s after a year-long halt. The Pentagon halted the acceptance of new F-35s in the summer of 2023 due to unresolved airworthiness issues with the latest technical configuration. Lockheed and the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) only agreed to restart deliveries in July, but initially, only jets with a limited training configuration are being provided.

The JPO oversees F-35 acquisitions for all international operators. Lockheed is still addressing issues with the new hardware and software, known as Technical Refresh 3 (TR-3). The Pentagon expects full combat approval for TR-3 F-35s to be granted by 2025. The upgrades involve new avionics and software designed to enhance the F-35’s communications and processing capabilities. These improvements will support weapon and sensor upgrades in future F-35 Block 4 variants.

“TR-3 and Block 4 represent a crucial advancement in capability, and their full development is a top priority for us,” said Bridget Lauderdale, Lockheed’s general manager of the F-35 program, in July. Production of Poland’s F-35s is being split between Fort Worth and a separate final assembly line in Cameri, Italy. Both facilities will manufacture 16 of Warsaw’s aircraft, which will be completed in the TR-3 configuration.

The first Polish air force unit to operate the stealth fighters will be set up at the 32nd Tactical Air Base in Lask, which currently houses a squadron of Lockheed Martin F-16C/Ds. A second F-35A squadron is planned for establishment in 2027 at the 21st Tactical Air Base in Swidwin, where Poland currently bases Sukhoi Su-22 ground-attack aircraft. Poland is also evaluating the purchase of Boeing’s F-15EX Eagle IIs, the latest model of the multi-role fighter.

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Source: flightglobal

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