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May 9, 2024

"Prom: A Timeless Tradition Embraced by Gen Z Beyond Just a Dance"

"Explore how prom has become a cherished tradition for Gen Z, transcending its dance-centric origins. Delve into its enduring significance and evolution in the cultural landscape, revealing its deeper meaning and resonance among today's youth."


Generation Z is renowned for dismantling outdated customs established by preceding generations. Concepts such as 'cheugy' circulate online, denoting the once-popular activities of earlier generations now deemed outdated. While certain high school rituals like senior night and spirit week have faded, prom maintains its relevance, enduring as a steadfast tradition despite shifting trends.

Prom has managed to defy the odds of fading into obscurity for several reasons, vanity being a significant factor. Attendees revel in the opportunity to don glamorous attire and bold makeup, offering an escape from their everyday wear. Unlike Millennials who showcased their prom looks on platforms like Facebook or MySpace, Gen Z showcases theirs on TikTok, where they receive heightened appreciation. For instance, Summer Jayla Hemphill, 17, shared a TikTok video flaunting her prom ensemble, garnering over a million views. She's not alone; the hashtag "prom 2024" boasts approximately 164,000 videos uploaded in the past two months, a number steadily increasing by the day.

"Senior prom has always held immense significance for me," shares Hemphill with Teen Vogue. "It's a moment I've eagerly anticipated, and its arrival feels surreal. While prom may not hold the same importance for everyone, to me, it's a vital opportunity for others to see me beyond my usual school attire."

For many young individuals, particularly Gen Z, High School Musical symbolized the epitome of their childhood experiences. As nostalgia continues to shape the 2020s cultural landscape, prom retains its importance in the final year of high school due to the influence of beloved movies and shows from their formative years. High School Musical 3, in particular, resonates as a significant work for Gen Z, with its portrayal of prom as a memorable highlight of teenage life still resonating with students today.

The ritual of preparing for prom together adds an extra layer of excitement to the event. The surge of "get ready with me" content on TikTok reflects this trend, offering tweens and teens an opportunity to engage in a big night out.

"For us, prom is a major event, especially for the girls," explains 18-year-old Gabrielle Cole. "It's a chance for everyone to showcase their dresses and makeup. My friends and I cherish the time spent getting ready together and chatting before prom, which, in my opinion, is even better than the event itself. Prom holds significant importance in high school because of the movies we grew up watching, where it's depicted as the 'best night of our lives.' Participating in prom is essential because high school won't last forever."

The rise of platforms like TikTok has significantly contributed to the enduring popularity of prom, especially among young girls. These apps offer a hands-on approach to researching prom looks, fueling excitement and anticipation.

Seventeen-year-old Addison Robinson explains, "Prom remains popular, largely due to social media. Everyone's discussing dresses, hairstyles, and more. Girls are especially invested; boys seem less so, often attending only if they have a date. Girls, on the other hand, often attend with friends, regardless of having a date."

Reflecting on her own experience, Robinson adds, "Prom makes me feel both mature and youthful. It fulfills a childhood dream, yet I also revel in the carefree moments of dancing and hanging out with friends, embracing the essence of youth."

The intersection of prom and social media can feel overwhelming for some young individuals, leading to pressure to emulate certain images and appearances. Rhode Sanchez, 18, expresses concerns about the influence of platforms like TikTok, noting the emphasis on body image and appearance over the genuine experience of prom. "There's a lot of hype around prom, but it's not about the experience," Sanchez explains. "It's about maintaining certain appearances. For me, prom is more about expressing personal style rather than conforming to societal ideals of beauty."

17-year-old Robinson has found social apps like TikTok to be invaluable in her prom journey. Posting prom content on TikTok, she has garnered over 13 million views on three of her prom dress videos in the past two months, an exhilarating experience for her. Robinson's prom journey began when she attended as her boyfriend's date during her sophomore year, continuing to attend last year and now gearing up for her senior prom. Despite initially struggling to find the perfect dress in local stores, she turned to online retailer Stacey's, purchasing two dresses to ensure options. However, realizing that the store didn't allow returns, she leveraged TikTok to showcase her dresses and seek opinions from her audience, ultimately selling the unwanted dress to a viewer. Reflecting on her TikTok journey, Robinson emphasizes the confidence and support she's gained from her followers, fueling her desire to continue sharing content and connecting with others.

Source: teenvogue

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