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August 1, 2024

Schoolchildren to Learn About the Dangers of Vaping

To address the rising concern of vaping among youth, schools will now educate children on the dangers associated with vaping. The curriculum will cover health risks, addiction potential, and preventive strategies. This initiative aims to inform and protect students, encouraging them to make healthier lifestyle choices and avoid the harmful effects of vaping. By raising awareness, schools hope to curb the growing trend and safeguard the well-being of young people.

Addressing the Vaping Epidemic Among Youth in Plymouth: An Educational Campaign

In response to the rising trend of vaping among young people, Plymouth has initiated an educational campaign targeting twelve and thirteen-year-olds. The city's efforts aim to curb the increasing use of vapes by children and educate them about the associated health risks. This campaign comes as part of a broader initiative by Plymouth City Council to address concerns about vaping's impact on public health.

The Rising Concern

Plymouth City Council's decision to educate schoolchildren about the dangers of vaping is driven by alarming statistics and health concerns. Nationally, nearly 8% of 11-17-year-olds reported vaping, according to a survey conducted by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). This figure has doubled from 4% in 2020, indicating a worrying trend. The legal age for purchasing vapes in the UK is 18, yet the increasing number of underage users highlights the need for effective interventions.

Local Efforts and Initiatives

Recognizing the severity of the issue, Plymouth City Council has established a vaping working group and allocated additional funding for two full-time staff members. These staff members will collaborate with the Youth Service and Young People's Treatment Service to implement strategies aimed at reducing vaping among children. The council's proactive approach reflects its commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of its young residents.

Regulatory and Preventive Measures

Plymouth City Council's Trading Standards team plays a crucial role in regulating the sale of vapes. The team provides advice to businesses and conducts undercover operations using teenagers to test whether shops comply with age restrictions. These operations ensure that shops adhere to the law and do not sell age-restricted products to minors. Additionally, the team tests the quality and safety of e-cigarettes and e-liquids to protect consumers from potentially harmful products.

The Role of Vaping Shops

Councillor Terri Beer has expressed concern about the appeal of vape shops to young people, comparing them to sweet shops with their array of flavors and colorful displays. This comparison highlights the marketing strategies used by vape shops to attract customers, including minors. Beer emphasizes the need for a clearer understanding of the impact of vapes on both children and adults, underlining the importance of comprehensive research and data collection.

Health Risks and Educational Content

The educational campaign in Plymouth will focus on informing schoolchildren about the health risks associated with vaping. Vaping, particularly among young people, poses several health risks, including nicotine addiction, respiratory issues, and the potential for long-term harm. Moreover, there is concern that other substances could be added to vapes, increasing the danger to users. By educating children about these risks, the campaign aims to deter them from starting to vape and encourage healthier lifestyle choices.

Community Involvement and Support

The success of this initiative relies on the involvement and support of the community. Parents, teachers, and local organizations play a crucial role in reinforcing the campaign's message and providing a supportive environment for children. By working together, the community can create a unified front against the vaping epidemic and protect the health of young people.

Long-Term Goals and Vision

Plymouth's educational campaign is not just a short-term solution but part of a long-term vision to create a healthier community. Councillor Beer articulated her commitment to ensuring the health of all Plymouth residents, both young and old. The campaign's objectives align with this vision, aiming to reduce the prevalence of vaping, promote awareness of its dangers, and foster a culture of health and well-being.


The educational campaign in Plymouth represents a significant step towards addressing the growing concern of vaping among young people. By targeting twelve and thirteen-year-olds, the campaign aims to educate children about the dangers of vaping and discourage them from starting. With the support of the community and regulatory measures, Plymouth City Council hopes to curb the rising trend of underage vaping and protect the health of its residents. This initiative serves as a model for other communities facing similar challenges, demonstrating the importance of education, regulation, and community involvement in combating public health issues.

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