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February 29, 2024

Strengthening Indo-Indonesia Collaboration in Seaweed Cultivation for Sustainable Growth

The collaborative efforts extend beyond Indonesia’s borders, with India actively supporting and contributing to the development of the seaweed industry.

The showcasing of the world’s largest seaweed farm in Lombok, Indonesia by Coordinating Minister of Maritime & Investment Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. (Image: X/@cgibali)

In an extraordinary initiative aimed at harnessing the potential of seaweed cultivation, Indonesia is pioneering large-scale cultivation projects in East Lombok, with support and collaboration from India. This endeavour holds immense promise for both nations, offering opportunities for economic growth, environmental sustainability, and technological innovation.

Indian Ambassador to Indonesia, Sandeep Chakravorty, lauded the Indo-Indonesia partnership in the blue economy, citing Sea6 Energy as a prime example of India’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. Sea6 Energy’s expertise in seaweed cultivation and processing technology promises to enhance Indonesia’s capacity for producing biodegradable industrial raw materials, including biofuels and bioplastics.

Furthermore, cross-sector collaboration involving government agencies, research institutions, and development partners underscores the comprehensive approach to accelerating the seaweed industry. From providing quality seeds and mapping land potential to simplifying business permits and enhancing product processing, various programs are being implemented to support the industry’s growth.

Indonesia’s strategic location in the equatorial region, coupled with its vast coastline and favourable climatic conditions, positions it as a natural leader in seaweed production. However, despite these advantages, the country’s seaweed industry has yet to reach its full potential. Through initiatives like large-scale seaweed cultivation in East Lombok, Indonesia seeks to address this gap and unlock the myriad benefits of seaweed-based products.

Coordinating Minister Luhut B Pandjaitan emphasized the importance of enhancing productivity and efficiency in seaweed cultivation to realize downstream opportunities. By collaborating with private companies, industries, and academia, Indonesia aims to develop tailored solutions aligned with the needs of its coastal communities and maritime sector.

The collaborative efforts extend beyond Indonesia’s borders, with India actively supporting and contributing to the development of the seaweed industry. The significance of seaweed cultivation extends beyond economic benefits, with a focus on environmental sustainability and community welfare. FAO Representative in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, Rajendra Aryal, emphasized the role of seaweed in promoting a sustainable blue economy and fostering community resilience.

As the pilot project in East Lombok unfolds, stakeholders from both nations remain committed to realizing the full potential of seaweed cultivation. Through synergy, innovation, and collaboration, Indo-Indonesia partnership is poised to drive positive change, ushering in a new era of sustainable growth and prosperity in the maritime sector.

Source: Financial Express

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