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March 21, 2024

The ABCs of Leadership: A Simple but Powerful Roadmap to Being a Truly Great Leader

Follow this approach to become a better leader right now.

No matter how much experience you have as a leader -- a little or a lot -- you can always improve. In fact, continuously improving their leadership skills is one of the goals every truly great leader sets for themselves.

While there are plenty of books out there on the topic of leadership, and I've written more than a few, these ABCs of leadership will get you on the right track with a minimum of muss or fuss.

A. Accountable.

When you say you're going to do something, you should do everything in your power to get it done. When you're accountable, you fully take ownership of the outcomes -- good, bad, and everything in between.

B. Bold.

The old saying "fortune favors the bold" is definitely true when it comes to leaders. Be bold and achieve great things.

C. Communicative.

According to an Interact/Harris Poll from a few years ago, 91 percent of employees say their leaders don't communicate well. If you're a leader, make a point of communicating -- and then communicating some more.

D. Decisive.

Being a leader is all about making decisions. Gather the data you need to make smart decisions -- getting your people involved in providing the inputs you need, along with recommendations for solutions -- then make them.

E. Empathetic.

Empathy is an essential quality for any human. Be empathetic toward everyone around you -- your people, your customers, your other business partners, and the communities in which you do business.

F. Focused.

Keep your eye on the prize and avoid distractions and diversions that will prevent you from achieving your goals.

G. Goal-oriented.

One of the key jobs of leaders is to create goals for their teams and organizations. When you set goals for your people, be sure to involve them in the process -- they'll be more empowered and engaged as a result.

H. Honest.

While it should go without saying, the best leaders are honest and transparent with everyone around them -- they wouldn't think of lying or misleading others.

I. Inclusive.

Your teams are stronger -- and their outcomes better -- when you have a diversity of experience and knowledge within them.

J. Just.

Don't play favorites and be fair when you have to make difficult people decisions. Always give your employees the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

K. Knowledgeable.

While no leader knows everything, the best leaders are expert learners, and they're learning more all the time.

L. Loyal.

Be loyal to your organization, your teams, your people -- and yourself. When you're loyal to others, they will return the favor and be loyal to you.

M. Mindful.

Be aware of all that is going on around you -- with your people, teams, organization, and customers. Take the time to talk with them, asking their opinions about how things are going and what can be done better.

N. Networked.

The best leaders have wide networks -- from the top to the bottom of their organizations, across departments, and outside to other businesses in their industry, vendors, and others in their community and beyond.

O. Optimistic.

No one wants to work for a pessimist -- that person who always sees the world as a half-empty glass. Be an optimist and help your people overcome their own feelings of self-doubt as you radiate optimism throughout your organization.

P. Passionate.

If you're not passionate about what you're doing, then you're in the wrong job. Do what you love, be passionate about what you do, and spread your enthusiasm and passion to everyone you meet.

Q. Questioning.

Always question the conventional wisdom and status quo. When someone says, "That's the way we've always done it," ask, "Why?" Always look for ways to improve the way things are currently done and make them better, more effective, and more efficient.

R. Resilient.

The best leaders have the ability to bounce back from failure, learning lessons that help them improve and do better the next time -- and the next, and the next.

S. Serves.

Be a servant leader -- the kind of leader who believes their job is to serve their people, and not for their people to serve them.

T. Trusting.

Trust is the foundation on which every organization is built. Without trust, nothing gets done. Trust your people, trust your customers, trust yourself.

U. Understanding.

Everyone makes mistakes or errors in judgment. Be understanding and forgiving.

V. Visionary.

Leaders set the vision for their organizations -- the North Star that everyone follows as they set goals and do their day-to-day tasks.

W. Warm.

Be friendly, open, and welcoming to others, and encourage your people to follow your example.

X. X-factor.

Leaders are special people -- they stand out from the pack. The good news is that anyone can be a leader -- there's no monopoly on leadership.

Y. Yielding.

Great leaders know when to yield their own opinions and decisions when someone offers a path that is better. Be agile -- ready to move as your environment changes.

Z. Zestful.

Bring excitement and energy to your position as leader. If you're excited about the work you do, others will be too.

Sourced from Inc.

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