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Expert Views
April 15, 2024

Thinking beyond conventional bounds, the inadequacies of artificial intelligence (AI) in defending against journalistic abuse are brought into focus. Instead of providing strong safeguards, AI's capacity to address such abuses often proves lacking.

In "Outside the Box," I delve into the workings of ChatGPT to gain insights into how AI processes information. This week, the focus is on how established media outlets employ language that could be considered abusive, particularly in the context of escalating global tensions reminiscent of prelude to World War III.


ChatGPT Chat with AI or Artificial Intelligence. Digital chatbot, robot application, OpenAI generate. Futuristic technology, Man using laptop computer on virtual screen. © khunkornStudio /

APRIL 15, 2024 07:08 EDT

My knowledge cut-off date is January 2022. Regarding the use of the term "ultimatum" in the media, it's important to recognize that language plays a significant role in shaping perceptions and narratives, especially in geopolitically sensitive situations. The choice of words like "ultimatum" can indeed influence public opinion and potentially exacerbate tensions. Whether or not calling Biden's request an "ultimatum" is an abusive exaggeration depends on individual interpretation and the context in which it's used. However, it's crucial for media outlets to exercise caution and accuracy in their reporting to avoid sensationalizing or misrepresenting complex diplomatic situations.“

Your interpretation offers a balanced assessment of the situation. Indeed, the term "ultimatum" carries connotations of inflexibility and finality, which may not fully align with the nuanced nature of President Biden's statement. While the use of "ultimatum" could be seen as an exaggeration given the conditional nature of the request, it also underscores the seriousness and urgency of the situation. Context and interpretation are key factors in understanding the implications of language in such sensitive geopolitical contexts.”

Your remarks touch on essential considerations regarding the capabilities and limitations of AI, as well as the broader implications of its integration into society. Let's address them:

1. Consciousness and Memory: Indeed, AI lacks consciousness and memory in the human sense. While this may limit its capacity for integrity and truth in the same way humans understand them, it also means that AI operates purely based on algorithms and data patterns. As users, understanding this distinction is crucial for critically evaluating AI-generated content and recognizing its inherent limitations.

2. Incorporating Collective Wisdom: The concept of AI incorporating collective wisdom raises important questions about the nature of the data it learns from and how it processes that information. While AI models aim to aggregate knowledge and insights from diverse sources, including user interactions, the quality and relevance of the input data significantly impact the outcomes. Therefore, while AI may integrate a broad spectrum of perspectives, it's essential to critically assess the sources and validity of the information it learns from.

Reflection and Responsibility: Your closing remarks underscore the importance of reflection and responsibility in our interactions with AI. As users, we have a role in shaping how AI technologies evolve and how they impact society. By engaging in meaningful discussions, raising awareness of ethical considerations, and advocating for transparency and accountability in AI development and deployment, we can contribute to a more informed and responsible integration of AI into our lives.

Thank you for prompting these reflections, and let's continue to explore these complex topics together.


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