Handbags are a top fashion accessory for women. They have been used to let people know your taste in fashion, or your personality. Sometimes bags can become an addiction that is hard to break away from. Whether you’re looking for a top-of-the-line designer handbag or just an everyday bag to carry your essentials, top luxury handbag brands offer something for everyone.
Today we will be taking a look at the top 12 luxury handbag brands on the market and what they have to offer. You’ll find everything from classic styles to unique designs that are sure to satisfy even the most fashion forward individual!
The Hermes is a company well-known for their high quality and luxurious designs. They are the leading maker of bags, particularly purses and wallets. The company was founded in 1837 by Thierry Hermes, who began making leather goods for carriage trade customers of Paris at that time. Their products have always been made with the best leathers from around the world. Including crocodile skin, ostrich skin, alligator skin and calfskin – as well as gold hardware on some items.
In the 1920s, many women (including Coco Chanel) adopted the “handbag” style which gave way to them being called “Hermes bags.” They are now considered some of the best luxury handbags on the market. Because they are made from high quality materials like calfskin and crocodile skin with intricate designs like gold or silver hardware. Today they are still family owned; since 1985 they have been part of LVMH Group which also includes Louis Vuitton among other brands.
Chanel is a luxurious handbag brand. Its bags are timeless and elegant. They come in many styles, colors, sizes, and shapes to suit any taste or occasion. The Chanel bag is an investment piece that will last for years to come with proper care. It’s one of the most desired luxury brands around the world. So it’s no wonder why fashionistas everywhere covet their next purchase from this iconic designer label!
The Chanel purses are coveted by women all over the globe. Because they offer beautiful pieces that can be worn just about anywhere and go with anything! Whether you’re looking for something casual like a crossbody bag or want something more dressy for work, there is a Chanel purse out there waiting to make your heart skip a beat. The iconic designs, quality craftsmanship, timeless style, and limited supply make them a must-have for any woman who wants to be elegant and classy while also being on trend with what’s hot now.
Louis Vuitton is one of the most sought-after and popular luxury brands in the world. The company has been around since 1854, with roots as a luggage and trunk maker for royalty. It wasn’t until 1869 that it began producing handbags – an item that would become its signature product today. Since then, Louis Vuitton has developed into a cutting-edge international fashion house with more than 3,000 stores worldwide and more than 20 different product lines ranging from shoes to eyewear to clothing to watches.
But what makes this brand so desirable? Quality materials used in every piece of merchandise are just one reason why Louis Vuitton is such a successful business; another must be their ability to stay on trend while never compromising quality or craftsmanship. Today Louis Vuitton is still expanding its product line with new items like watches and jewelry but continues its legacy of fine luggage as well.
Gucci handbags are a luxury brand of high-end designer bags. They offer many styles, colors, and sizes to suit any woman’s preference. Gucci has been designing and selling handbags since the 1920s in Italy for royalty. They have expanded their business and now they are sold all over the world. Gucci is known for their leather goods; including shoes, clothing, jewelry, watches and more! Their products are very pricey but if you’re looking for an investment piece that will last a lifetime then this may be the right bag for you.
They are the epitome of a brand that offers quality products with an iconic design. Gucci is one of those brands that never goes out of style, and will be around for decades to come. The company has had its ups and downs in terms of popularity. But they’ve always managed to bounce back with something new that people can’t get enough of!
Prada is a prestigious designer brand that has been around in the fashion industry for over 100 years. With impeccable design and craftsmanship, Prada handbags are some of the most sought after luxury items on the market today. From their signature Double-Zip Tote to their classic Shopper Leather Bag, these unique pieces are made with top quality materials and offer an illustrious look no matter what your style or budget may be. A Prada handbag can last you a lifetime if properly cared for. So make sure to invest in one of these timeless treasures!
This brand has been around since 1913 and has become a household name for high-end luxury goods. They have expanded from just handbags to shoes, sunglasses and even suits with their signature design aesthetic. The Italian designer Miuccia Prada’s designs are known for being eclectic, elegant and feminine. And this is what you can expect when shopping at a store carrying her brand!
Saint Laurent is one of the most iconic and popular luxury handbag brands in the world. The French fashion house was founded by Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge in 1961, with its headquarters located in Paris. It has been closely associated with fashion trends for decades, from changing styles to evolving tastes.
Their designs are often seen on celebrities such as Kate Moss or Jessica Alba. They’re also spotted on pop stars like Rihanna or Taylor Swift at red carpet events like award shows or music festivals around the globe. The company offers a wide range of products including women’s apparel, footwear, accessories and menswear collections – all of which have become desirable among savvy consumers worldwide who enjoy their high-quality craftsmanship and top-notch design.
Known for their iconic handbags, Givenchy is a leading luxury brand that was founded by Hubert de Givenchy in 1952. Located on the prestigious Avenue Montaigne in Paris, France, this designer label has been making waves since its inception. And continues to keep up with current trends while offering timeless classics.
Known for their classic black leather top handles and snake skin-printed fabric lining accessories, these bags are perfect for any occasion from casual days out to more formal events. With an ever-evolving inventory of styles to choose from including clutches, totes and shoulder bags with colorful accents or printed fabrics, Givenchy offers something for everyone.
Dior is a famous luxury fashion brand. They have been around for over 75 years and they are world renowned. Their top-of-the line handbags are always in style. And can be seen on the arms of some of today’s most influential people, including celebrities and models. Dior has an excellent reputation with their customers because they offer high quality products that will last you for many years to come!
All of the bags from this designer have classic style with elegance and sophistication. And that make them perfect for everyday use or as an elegant addition to your wardrobe. This article will explore some of their most popular handbags and what you can expect when purchasing one! They are one of the most renowned brands worldwide and they offer various types of products such as clothing, shoes, cosmetics, perfumes and more. Dior offers high-quality items with beautiful designs.
Celine is one of the most well-known handbag brands in the world. It was founded by Céline Dumas, who still serves as its creative director to this day. In many ways, it has become known for being a high fashion brand that caters to celebrities and royalty alike. The company’s headquarters are located in Paris, France and they have been making luxury leather goods since 1945.
Their most famous handbags are their classically designed leather tote bags in simple black, brown, or white colors. These high-end pieces are made of durable calfskin leather and come with sturdy brass hardware such as zippers and buckles. They’re perfect for any occasion!
Burberry is a British fashion house with a long history of innovation and creativity. They are known for their signature check pattern, trench coats, the iconic Burberry scarf that was seen on Jackie Kennedy before she became First Lady, and more recently their leather goods. Many celebrities have endorsed the brand including Kate Moss who has been photographed wearing various Burberry items in high profile magazines like Vogue.
They are one of the most expensive brands you can buy. But they also have some of the most beautiful and high quality bags out there. The company has been around for so long because it knows how to keep its customers happy with their classic styles and timeless aesthetics. If you’re looking for a luxurious bag to invest in, Burberry is your best bet!
Chloe is the top luxury handbag brand in the world. It’s a French fashion house that was founded by Gaby Aghion in 1952. The company has grown to include locations all over the globe and collaborates with many designers, like Karl Lagerfeld, Stella McCartney, and Vivienne Westwood.
The Chloe handbags are the most coveted and sought-after designer bags on the market. From their classic flap bags to their new arrivals of clutches, totes, and cross body bags, Chloe has something for everyone. Each bag is made in Italy and crafted with a perfect blend of luxury and style that you can’t find anywhere else.
Balenciaga is a luxury brand of top-quality handbags that are in high demand. The company has been around for over 100 years and was originally founded by Cristobal Balenciaga, a Spanish couturier. So what’s the secret to this company’s success? Well, it could be any number of things – from the quality of their materials to the innovation they bring with each new product release. Regardless of why customers love them so much, one thing is certain: if you’re looking for a great design and exquisite craftsmanship at an affordable price point, then Balenciaga should be on your radar.
Founded by Cristóbal Balenciaga in 191, they were originally known for their couture garments. But eventually grew to include ready-to-wear collections as well as shoes and accessories. With so many different styles available from such a prestigious brand, you’re sure to find something that will meet all of your needs!
We hope you enjoyed this article and found the handbag brands listed to be both luxurious and stylish. If you’re looking for a new bag, please do not hesitate to reach out SenseOrient! Our team of experts are ready and waiting to help find one that is perfect for your needs.
Source: senceorient