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April 15, 2024

UNESCO is addressing the educational crisis in Sudan by introducing new strategic priorities

A recent event organized by a local education group has established a direction amidst the ongoing conflict.

The UNESCO Regional Office for Egypt and Sudan recently organized its first-ever Local Education Group (LEG) event, convening more than 20 international and national experts for a crucial three-day workshop. This event, held on the 25th of the current month, aimed to redefine and reinforce the priorities of Sudan's Traditional Education Plan, ensuring its effective implementation despite the significant disruptions caused by the ongoing conflict.

Sudan's education system is grappling with one of the world's most severe crises, with reports from OCHA and UNICEF indicating that the war has left 19 million children out of school. Many schools across the country have either been repurposed into shelters or damaged, posing challenges to resuming educational activities and providing safe learning environments for students.

The workshop played a pivotal role in engaging stakeholders through a comprehensive questionnaire, which garnered insights from 737 participants, including parents, teachers, and students. These inputs highlighted critical areas such as the need for developing online education, conducting national exams, ensuring teachers' salaries, and the urgent reopening of schools.

Based on the feedback received, the LEG identified four primary educational priorities requiring immediate action:

  • Ensuring continuous, safe, inclusive, and equitable access to education.
  • Enhancing the quality and relevance of teaching and learning.
  • Supporting the educational system through strengthened institutional and community capacity.
  • Mobilizing resources and advocacy efforts to support these initiatives.

These prioritized areas will guide UNESCO's interventions in navigating the challenging circumstances and striving for a transformative impact on Sudan's educational landscape. The collaborative efforts of experts at the LEG event represent a promising step towards mitigating the educational disruption and fostering recovery and resilience in Sudan's educational sector.


Source: UNESCO

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