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July 5, 2024

Asia-Pacific Women Lead in Education: Empowerment at the Forefront

Women in the Asia-Pacific region are making significant strides in education, emerging as leaders and setting new standards for academic excellence. Their achievements highlight the importance of empowerment and equal opportunities in education. This trend underscores the transformative impact women are having on the educational landscape, driving progress and inspiring future generations.

Boston Brand Media brings you the interesting news - The first Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) Regional Women’s Conference, titled “Sisters in Solidarity: Empowering Action and Leadership in Education Unions Across Asia-Pacific,” marked a significant milestone in advancing gender equality in education. From July 2nd to July 4th, 2024, women leaders, trade unionists, and youth from 42 member organizations across 25 countries gathered to pave the way for empowerment and leadership.

Ongoing trade unions advocacy for women’s empowerment This year’s conference echoed the spirit of the first EI World Women’s Conference held in Bangkok in 2011, continuing the legacy of empowering women and youth across different eras and regions.

The event featured numerous keynote speakers, interactive workshops, and presentations from women leaders.

The agenda included hands-on sessions focused on strategizing and leadership tactics, addressing issues of violence and harassment in schools and workplaces, and advocating for the ratification and implementation of the International Labour Organization’s Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the workplace among the unions.

Focus on gender and climate change: A special emphasis was placed on “Gender and Climate Change,” where leaders brainstormed gender-responsive climate strategies and urged government action in education. Success stories from the EI Go Public! Fund Education campaign in Mongolia, Japan, Indonesia, Vanuatu, and Fiji provided valuable insights.

Strategic planning for sub-regional empowerment: The conference also served as a platform for women leaders from the four sub-regions of the Asia-Pacific to develop strategies to convert resources into power, build strong networks, and foster effective leadership within unions. They worked on sub-regional gender equity plans for 2024-2026, aimed at driving change at both national and regional levels.

Celebrating leadership: Honoring EI President Susan Hopgood A highlight of the conference was the celebration of EI President Susan Hopgood, who is from Australia and the region. Her exceptional leadership and dedication to the education trade union movement and the cause of women’s empowerment and leadership were duly recognized.

In her remarks, Hopgood reflected on the progress made and the work ahead. “Together we are more than the sum of individual identities and backgrounds. Together, we can make up for our personal biases and the historical lapses of our organizations and institutions in representation and accountability,” she stated.

Anand Singh, the EIAP Regional Director, shared a message emphasizing the event’s goal to “provide opportunities for women leaders to share experiences, draw inspiration, and bridge the gap between gender equality and leadership in the education unions across the Asia-Pacific region.”

The conference concluded with a unified resolve to maintain momentum, ensuring that women in education not only have their voices heard but also lead the charge for change.

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Source: ei-ie

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