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April 22, 2024

Coalition Aiming to Enhance International Recognition for Medium-Sized Universities

European University Alliance Aims to Foster Open Innovation and Enhance Global Presence, Say Members

The COLOURS Alliance, short for "COLlaborative innovative sUstainable Regional univerSities," held its inaugural assembly in late March at Paderborn University in Germany, a founding institution and the headquarters of the Alliance's operations. Annette Klinkert, the alliance's managing director, highlighted that all members of the COLOURS Alliance are universities with a shared commitment to fostering regional innovation. This commitment is manifested through their dedication to teaching, research, and knowledge exchange, reflecting their pivotal role as drivers of innovation within their respective regions across Europe.

"It's the result of collaborative efforts among partners who came together in the summer of 2021 to develop a distinctive initiative tailored for regional, medium-sized universities," she clarified.

As an officially recognized European University Alliance, it now boasts nine partners: the University of Castilla-La-Mancha in Spain, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in Croatia, University St Kliment Ohridski Bitola in North Macedonia, Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa, Poland, Kristianstad University in Sweden, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences in Latvia, the University of Ferrara in Italy, and Le Mans University in France.

Klinkert emphasized that the "COLOURS approach" is founded on a shared acknowledgment that the current tools, policies, and educational standards in many universities across the continent no longer align with the expectations and demands of open science and open innovation, which will be central to shaping future European policies.

The alliance also aims to significantly enhance both physical and virtual mobility among its partners, with a target of achieving a 50% increase.

Klinkert elaborated, stating that 63 CoLab innovation processes will actively engage over 3,000 students and stakeholders. Additionally, 27 student Hackathons are slated to promote co-creation, while 90 open internship projects will seamlessly integrate challenge-based research and education into existing curricula.

For Kristianstad University, a member of the alliance, the initiative comes at a pivotal moment as the institution seeks to elevate its global profile. Martin J Persson, a professor in health sciences and leader of COLOURS initiatives at Kristianstad, highlighted the significance of the alliance, particularly in addressing societal shifts such as the growing demand for skill development and navigating the complexities of digitalization.

"Over 3,000 Students and Stakeholders to Engage in 63 CoLab Innovation Processes"

"Kristianstad University anticipates enhancing its international presence and bolstering its educational and research capabilities, which will yield mutual benefits for both its local community and fellow alliance members," he emphasized.

Klinkert underscored the necessity for a "comprehensive and systemic overhaul" of academic institutions to establish a "vibrant, innovative, and sustainable European university of the future."

"To achieve this ambitious long-term objective, we must develop new benchmarks for academic excellence, adopt innovative teaching and learning methodologies, and expand the skill sets of students, researchers, staff, and stakeholders," Klinkert concluded.

Source: thepienews

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