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May 9, 2024

Four decades prior in Aviation Week: The inaugural repair of a satellite in space was conducted.

Aviation Week reports the historic first satellite repair in space, occurring forty years ago. This milestone marked a significant advancement in space technology and capabilities, showcasing humanity's ability to service and maintain spacecraft beyond Earth's atmosphere, paving the way for future space missions and exploration endeavors.

Our cover of June 4, 1984, showcased the first repair of a satellite in space. Astronauts James D. van Hoften and George D. Nelson were pictured replacing a failed attitude control system on NASA’s Solar Maximum satellite, which had been captured by space shuttle Challenger.

astronaut repairing NASA satellite in space

Solar Maximum, the only orbiting U.S. solar observatory, had been launched in 1980 and was designed with standard satellite components that made it easier to repair. The in-orbit fix was captured by a 70mm IMAX movie camera operated by Mission Commander Robert L. Crippen. The revived Solar Max continued operating for another five years.

Source: Aviation Week

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