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Food & Beverage
May 21, 2024

Gutzy Joins the Gut Health Trend with Prebiotic Pouches

Gutzy introduces prebiotic pouches, tapping into the booming gut health trend. Offering a convenient and tasty solution, Gutzy aims to support digestive wellness with its innovative approach. By incorporating prebiotics into their pouches, Gutzy provides an accessible and enjoyable way to promote a healthy gut microbiome. Join the movement towards improved gut health with Gutzy's pioneering prebiotic products.

With consumers increasingly prioritizing gut health, Gutzy Organic is swiftly seizing the opportunity to capitalize on its popularity. Recently, the pouch maker unveiled a new packaging design and flavor, botanical turmeric and mango, expanding its product range alongside offerings like Apple Spinach Kiwi Kale and Apple Strawberry Blueberry + Turmeric Dandelion, all boasting 5 grams of prebiotic acacia.

David Istier, Gutzy's founder and CEO, highlighted the growing interest in prebiotic sodas like Olipop, Poppi, and Health-Ade’s SunSip, indicating a sustained consumer focus on gut health post-COVID-19 pandemic. Istier emphasized the shift towards natural remedies over conventional pills, driving the momentum behind prebiotics, an area Gutzy actively participates in.

Focusing on delivering a clean-label, convenient snack, Gutzy aims to meet the needs of consumers seeking more fruits, vegetables, and prebiotics without the time-consuming preparation. Istier noted Gutzy's rapid growth within a niche category with limited competitors, positioning the brand uniquely alongside refrigerated food cups and bars in supermarkets.

Istier brings extensive experience in the food and beverage industry, notably holding executive positions at the parent company of Go Go Squeez. Recognizing an opportunity to adapt the fruit pouch brand's squeeze bottle format for adults, he ventured into the emerging gut health category, unexplored in snack products.

Gutzy entered the market in 2019 and has rapidly expanded to 6,000 stores, including Wegmans, Publix, and Meijer. Citing Nielsen data, the company identified itself as the fastest-growing brand in the fresh and healthy snacks category for the 13-week period ending in January 2024.

"Prebiotics had been prominent in supplements but were largely absent from mainstream food and beverage products prior to our launch," Istier noted. "We've since developed a strong base of repeat consumers, which is paramount."

A woman with Gutzy’s prebiotic product.

Prebiotic potential

Prebiotics distinguish themselves from other gut health components by nourishing the existing beneficial bacteria in the gut. With a growing emphasis on health, consumer awareness of prebiotics has surged. According to Skyquest projections, the global prebiotics market reached approximately $8 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 14.9% by 2030.

Istier emphasized Gutzy's commitment to educating consumers about ingredient benefits through its packaging. "We include a claim on the packaging highlighting how acacia has been proven to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria over a four-week period," Istier stated. "It's crucial for us to incorporate scientifically backed, measurable information."

As consumer awareness of prebiotics increases, products within this category are witnessing expanded growth potential. Recently, Allison Ellsworth, co-founder of Poppi, revealed to Food Dive that her company, having surpassed $100 million in sales, is focused on growth rather than entertaining acquisition offers.

Meanwhile, Gutzy is concentrating on research and development (R&D) to create a distinctive product featuring plant protein, aiming to broaden its brand appeal, particularly among consumers seeking more substantial snacks. Istier described the forthcoming product as resembling the refreshing fruitiness of Gutzy's current offerings but with the creamy texture of yogurt. Recognizing the enduring popularity of the protein trend, Istier emphasized the importance of positioning Gutzy in this evolving space.

Source: fooddive

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