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September 6, 2024

How Bangladesh's youth ousted the long-time leader of their era

Bangladesh’s young generation played a pivotal role in removing the long-standing leader who had governed for most of their lives. Driven by a desire for change and reform, the youth mobilized and led a significant movement that resulted in the leader's ouster, marking a major political shift and reflecting the growing influence of the younger population in the nation's political landscape.

In a dramatic shift that reverberated across the political landscape of Bangladesh, the nation's youth emerged as a powerful force, playing a pivotal role in the removal of a long-standing leader who had dominated the political scene for much of their lives. This change marks a significant turning point in the country’s history, reflecting the evolving dynamics of power and the growing influence of younger generations in shaping the future.

The Long Reign of the Leader

For over a decade, Bangladesh's political arena was dominated by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who led the country with a firm grip on power. Ascending to office in 2009, Hasina's tenure saw numerous achievements, including economic growth and infrastructure development. However, her time in power was also marred by allegations of corruption, authoritarianism, and human rights abuses.

As the years passed, discontent among the populace began to simmer, particularly among the younger generation who had grown increasingly frustrated with the perceived lack of political freedoms and opportunities. This discontent was further fueled by economic disparities, a growing wealth gap, and the erosion of democratic norms.

Rising Discontent Among Youth

The youth of Bangladesh, who make up a significant portion of the population, became increasingly vocal about their dissatisfaction with the status quo. This discontent was not just limited to economic and political grievances but extended to a broader demand for greater transparency, accountability, and democratic reforms.

A series of student-led protests began to take shape, driven by issues such as rising tuition fees, job scarcity, and the high cost of living. The catalyst for the widespread mobilization came in the form of the 2018 student protests, which were sparked by a tragic accident involving a bus that killed several students. The accident highlighted the broader issues of unsafe transportation and the lack of government accountability, igniting a wave of student activism across the country.

The protests quickly grew into a larger movement, with students and young people demanding not just reforms in the education system but also a broader overhaul of the political system. Their demands included better governance, anti-corruption measures, and a more democratic political environment.

The Role of Social Media

In an era where social media has become a powerful tool for mobilization and activism, Bangladesh's youth leveraged platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to amplify their voices and organize protests. Social media played a crucial role in spreading information, coordinating demonstrations, and rallying support both domestically and internationally.

The youth's use of social media was not just limited to organizing protests but also included creating viral content that drew attention to their cause. Hashtags like #FixOurTransport and #StudentMovement trended globally, bringing international scrutiny to the situation in Bangladesh and increasing pressure on the government.

The Turning Point

The mounting pressure from the youth and their relentless activism eventually led to a breaking point. The government’s attempts to suppress the protests with force only fueled further unrest and criticism. International human rights organizations condemned the crackdown, and global media coverage highlighted the youth-led movement's demands for democratic reforms.

As the protests continued, opposition parties began to align with the student movement, providing political support and further escalating the pressure on the government. The situation reached a climax when a series of coordinated protests, strikes, and public demonstrations led to a significant political crisis. The leader’s declining popularity and the growing strength of the youth movement made it increasingly difficult for the government to maintain control.

The Ouster of the Leader

Amidst the growing unrest and mounting pressure, the long-standing leader faced an unprecedented challenge. The situation became untenable as the youth-led movement gained momentum and broad-based support from various segments of society. The leader, unable to quell the unrest and facing increasing international condemnation, ultimately decided to step down.

The resignation marked a historic moment for Bangladesh, signaling a dramatic shift in the political landscape. It was a testament to the power of grassroots activism and the ability of a mobilized youth to effect significant political change.

The Aftermath and Future Prospects

The removal of the long-standing leader ushered in a period of political transition and uncertainty. The new leadership, tasked with addressing the grievances of the youth and restoring stability, faced immense challenges. The transition period saw a mix of optimism and apprehension as the country navigated its way through the post-Hasina era.

For the youth of Bangladesh, the ousting of the long-time leader represented a victory and a significant achievement. It demonstrated their ability to influence political outcomes and shape the future of their country. However, the road ahead remains challenging, with the need for continued vigilance to ensure that the democratic gains are preserved and further reforms are implemented.

The youth’s role in this political transformation serves as a powerful example of how young people can drive change and impact their societies. It underscores the importance of addressing the aspirations and concerns of the younger generation in shaping the future of democratic governance.


The removal of Bangladesh's long-time leader by the nation's youth represents a landmark moment in the country’s history. It highlights the transformative power of grassroots activism and the crucial role of young people in driving political change. As Bangladesh moves forward, the lessons from this period will likely continue to resonate, offering insights into the dynamics of political power and the evolving influence of youth in shaping the future.

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