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March 12, 2024

How To Build A Strategic College List In 5 Steps

Close-up of admissions office sign near public university campus © GETTY

In navigating the multifaceted landscape of college admissions, it's critical to form of a list of schools that is in harmony with your academic and personal objectives. Focus on strategies that transcend the allure of name recognition and instead concentrate on a true alignment with individual aspirations and potential for development. Here are five steps to crafting a strategic college list.

Embrace A Holistic Approach To Personal And Academic Objectives

The initial stage of creating your list mandates introspective assessment. It's crucial to forge a connection with your core interests and professional ambitions, building a foundation that genuinely aligns with your goals. This reflective practice is vital in pinpointing colleges that nurture your personal and academic aspirations, and providing an appropriate education situated at the cross-section of your life experiences, extracurriculars, and chosen major. The Highlands Ability Battery is a tool that supports students in discovering their natural talents and fitting careers and majors. By knowing what you’re good at and doubling down on it, you will be in a better position to succeed with your unique set of talents.

Expand Your Research Beyond Institutional Prestige

While institutional prestige often seizes the spotlight, the intrinsic value of a college is about how well it corresponds with your requirements and ambitions. Concentrate your endeavors on making a profound impact in a handful of deliberately selected domains and allow that to drive you toward which college(s) would be best suited to support you in these areas. While institutional prestige may often seize the spotlight, the intrinsic value of a college is found in how well it corresponds with your requirements and ambitions. My counsel is to concentrate your endeavors on making a profound impact in a handful of deliberately selected domains and allow that to drive you toward which college(s) would be best suited to support you in these domains moving forward.

In navigating the multifaceted landscape of college admissions, it's critical to form of a list of schools that is in harmony with your academic and personal objectives. Focus on strategies that transcend the allure of name recognition and instead concentrate on a true alignment with individual aspirations and potential for development. Here are five steps to crafting a strategic college list.

Embrace A Holistic Approach To Personal And Academic Objectives

The initial stage of creating your list mandates introspective assessment. It's crucial to forge a connection with your core interests and professional ambitions, building a foundation that genuinely aligns with your goals. This reflective practice is vital in pinpointing colleges that nurture your personal and academic aspirations, and providing an appropriate education situated at the cross-section of your life experiences, extracurriculars, and chosen major. The Highlands Ability Battery is a tool that supports students in discovering their natural talents and fitting careers and majors. By knowing what you’re good at and doubling down on it, you will be in a better position to succeed with your unique set of talents.

Expand Your Research Beyond Institutional Prestige

While institutional prestige often seizes the spotlight, the intrinsic value of a college is about how well it corresponds with your requirements and ambitions. Concentrate your endeavors on making a profound impact in a handful of deliberately selected domains and allow that to drive you toward which college(s) would be best suited to support you in these areas. While institutional prestige may often seize the spotlight, the intrinsic value of a college is found in how well it corresponds with your requirements and ambitions. My counsel is to concentrate your endeavors on making a profound impact in a handful of deliberately selected domains and allow that to drive you toward which college(s) would be best suited to support you in these domains moving forward.

Take a student who is interested in combating polluted oceans, conducts academic research at a local environmental center, and publishes the work in a nature-based publication. Assuming that this student plans to continue working on oceans, it's worth prioritizing coastal colleges rather than inland schools or ones without access to a body of water. The key is to find colleges that provide the academic programs, community atmosphere, and support services that fulfill your needs.

Whether you want to work on cleaning oceans, value cultural affinity and affiliation, or have specific learning needs and preferences, your personal and academic priorities should be honored as you choose an academic environment. Don’t try to fit yourself into the box of whatever prestigious colleges are on the forefront of your mind.

Immerse Yourself In Campus Cultures Through Diverse Methods

Gaining an authentic feel for campus life, whether by virtual exploration or physical visits, is indispensable. Such experiences empower you to improve your college list based on your predilections regarding campus size, location, and vibe. Direct engagement with college environments is an essential component in selecting institutions where you can thrive academically, personally, and intellectually.

Whether you take a campus tour, watch a virtual presentation, or engage meaningfully with students, faculty, and administrators before you apply, you will be a more knowledgeable and better-prepared applicant.

Cultivate Strategic Connections

Fostering relationships with current students, alumni, or faculty can yield profound comprehension of the college experience and exhibit your earnest interest in a school. Commencing these interactions as early as your sophomore or junior year can enhance your application and bolster your personal and academic growth. For example, you could host a webinar series featuring faculty that corresponds to your club or activity, or you could publish original research that allows you to interview faculty members and/or college students. In a previous article on Forbes about networking, I highlighted strategic approaches to creating authentic connections that help elevate and differentiate your candidacy.

Consider The Pragmatic

In addition to creating the initial list, consider the pragmatic aspects of attending and applying to college, including the cost, the location, the number of essays you need to write, the due dates, how you want to strategize on early round applications, and if and when to take standardized tests. Moreover, using summertime opportunities to prepare for college, such as by participating in academic or leadership experiences, are key steps to move your college list from blind ambition to sighted strategy.

Source: Forbes Contributor - Dr. Aviva Legatt

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