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April 10, 2024

Pushing the performance envelope with ABB’s premium low voltage motors

ABB's premium low voltage motors are pushing the boundaries of performance. Engineered with cutting-edge technology, these motors deliver exceptional efficiency, reliability, and precision across various industrial applications. By optimizing energy usage and enhancing operational capabilities, ABB is empowering industries to achieve higher productivity while reducing environmental impact.

Stefan Floeck, Division President of IEC Low Voltage Motors at ABB Motion, elucidates the transformative potential of premium motors in industrial settings. He highlights their integration of cutting-edge energy efficiency technology, underpinned by specialized domain knowledge and a steadfast dedication to sustainable practices.

According to the latest update from the International Energy Agency (IEA), achieving the ambitious goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C by 2030 is undeniably difficult but still feasible. Encouragingly, the IEA suggests that 80 percent of the necessary emissions reduction can be attained through established methods such as enhancing energy efficiency.

This underscores the significance of prioritizing energy efficiency in the industrial sector, where limited cost-effective clean energy alternatives exist. Maximizing the efficient utilization of existing energy resources emerges as the most pragmatic solution. Notably, motor-driven systems stand out as a key target, constituting a substantial 65 percent of industrial electricity consumption. Moreover, projections indicate that they have contributed to approximately 60 percent of the increase in energy demand over the last decade.

To underscore the scale of the potential, envision the replacement of the 300 million-plus industrial electric motor-driven systems currently in operation with optimized, high-efficiency alternatives. This transformation could result in a remarkable reduction of up to 10 percent in global electricity consumption. To put it into perspective, this reduction equates to surpassing the annual power consumption of Poland.

While the initial expense of high-efficiency motors may pose a perceived barrier to investment, it's essential to recognize that the purchase price constitutes only a fraction of the overall total cost of ownership (TCO). The predominant factor influencing a motor's TCO is the expenditure on electricity to operate it over its typical lifespan of 15 years. In the case of efficient motors, the upfront cost represents a mere 2 percent of the TCO, with maintenance contributing just 1 percent, leaving a significant 97 percent allocated to electricity expenses.

Indeed, the rapid return on investment for more efficient motors becomes evident, particularly with payback periods often spanning just a few months, especially during periods of elevated energy prices. Amidst the ongoing volatility in energy prices and markets, prioritizing energy efficiency presents a strategic approach for operators to mitigate risks effectively. Additionally, the reduction in electricity consumption associated with running motors translates directly to decreased carbon emissions, particularly crucial in facilities reliant on power generated from non-renewable sources.

Premium motors match performance to the application

While energy efficiency stands as a crucial element, it represents just one facet of motor performance. Other critical aspects such as power, reliability, and durability must also be considered. Ensuring uninterrupted, reliable operation without the threat of costly downtime is imperative for a motor to fulfill its intended total cost of ownership (TCO). At ABB, we've leveraged over 140 years of domain expertise to develop our Premium portfolio of high-performance motors. These motors are meticulously crafted to address the distinct requirements of various industrial applications, guaranteeing optimal performance and longevity.

In sectors like water and wastewater management, where the demand for clean water is continuously rising, energy consumption is a significant concern. Operators globally are turning to IE5 ultra-premium efficiency synchronous reluctance (SynRM) motors to power their pumps, ensuring the seamless operation of critical processes.

Similarly, in the food and beverage industry, where variable loads and speeds pose challenges, especially in processes like chocolate production, liquid-cooled SynRM technology has emerged as a solution. This innovative technology offers high power density and ultra-premium efficiency within a remarkably compact footprint, addressing the industry's demand for efficient and reliable motor solutions.

Amidst the energy-intensive nature of chemical processing, which frequently occurs in hazardous environments, addressing energy efficiency becomes paramount. Introducing our Increased Safety ultra-premium energy efficiency motor, the world's inaugural IE5 SynRM certified for potentially explosive atmospheres, signifies a significant advancement in safety and efficiency for this sector.

In the realm of machine building, where agility and performance are essential for maintaining a competitive edge, our high-dynamic performance (HDP) motors are engineered to excel. These motors offer superior power output in a compact form factor, enabling designers to elevate productivity levels and ensure consistent quality. This innovation opens avenues for upgrading existing machinery and fostering the development of novel and cutting-edge designs.

Circularity by design

ABB's sustainability strategy for 2030 sets ambitious targets aimed at advancing circularity and waste reduction. We aim to apply circularity principles to 80 percent of our products and solutions, while also striving to achieve zero waste sent to landfills from our operations.

Our motors are already designed with recyclability in mind, boasting a recyclability rate of up to 98 percent. The remaining two percent of materials can be incinerated for heat recovery, further minimizing waste. Collaborating with partners like Boliden, a leading mining and smelting company, exemplifies our commitment to utilizing recycled materials. Through this collaboration, we secure low-carbon and recycled copper to meet the demand for our SynRM motors manufactured in Europe.

Looking forward, we're dedicated to enhancing sustainability further. Our ongoing development project showcases this commitment, with a demonstrator IE5 SynRM motor achieving a remarkable 20 percent reduction in its cradle-to-gate CO2 footprint. Further enhancements could potentially slash this footprint by 60 percent without compromising performance, signaling promising strides towards a more sustainable future.

Domain expertise is key

As global clean energy initiatives gain momentum, industrial operators across all sectors face increasing pressure to modernize their technology. Embracing investments in energy-efficient motors not only promises long-term cost savings but also contributes significantly to advancing global carbon reduction objectives.

Selecting the optimal motor requires expertise in the field, and this is where ABB's extensive knowledge and diverse range of motors stand out. Our profound understanding of industrial requirements coupled with a comprehensive selection of motor options enables us to deliver the performance and reliability necessary to achieve optimized total cost of ownership.

Source: Reuters/LinkedIn

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